Trading In Your Apple iPhone 3G for an Apple iPhone 4

Since the release of the Apple iPhone 4 there has been good points and bad points to the new ground-breaking bit of kit, namely the problem with signal issues as the antenna occupies the circumference of the phone itself. However many iPhone fanatics will soon be looking to upgrade to the new version of smart phone released by Apple, the majority will be waiting for their contracts to end while others will be looking to switch phones on the pay as you go option.

Selling your iPhone 3 online will help in two ways. If you are on contract and have reached the end of your subscription period the money made from the old iPhone will pay towards the new contract on the iPhone 4 or if you are on the pay as you go method you will be able to put a good chunk of cash down to buy an Apple iPhone 4.

Checking the prices for your old phone couldn’t be easier; many price comparison sites will compare all the leading buyers, giving you a fixed price listing for the type of Apple iPhone 3 you currently own. This means you save time and hassle as everything is done for you to assure you of the best price possible.

Don’t get left behind in this quickly change world, get your hands on the latest in technology with the new Apple iPhone and see the benefits at hand.



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