The Importance to Recycle Mobile Phones

How Important is it to Recycle Mobile Phones?

Very important. Mobile phones are having a damaging effect on our environment. We are damaging fragile ecological systems because of the demand for new technology. We need to mine for the materials used in the making of mobile phones and other types of electrical gadgets. If we recycle more mobile phones and all of out electrical products such as Mobile Phones, Televisions, CD, DVD players, Games Consoles etc. It will mean we will need to mine less for the materials and precious metals needed to make them. We can reuse and recycle some of the materials inside mobile phones and other electrical gadgets in the process of making brand new mobile phones.

Mobile phones contain expensive precious metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper, Lead, Mercury and other metals that can be extracted from mobile phones, refined and used in the making of new mobiles or other electrical items even gold rings!

It is estimated there to be around 100 million mobile phones use throughout the whole world. We buy and replace millions of mobile phones every month in the UK alone leaving the older model of mobile phone in limbo. It's your phone now your contract has ended and it's paid for. What do you do with your old mobile phone now you have a new one? Normally most people will end up keeping it somewhere where it's never used for years. Alternatively a lot of people sell old mobile phones on auction sites or some other way. But ultimately they are only going to want to replace that mobile phone as well. And so the cycle continues.

So we need to do more about mobile phone recycling so the recycling campaigns we are running have more of an effect. That is why there are many mobile phone recycling services and websites you can use now to safely sell and recycle your mobile phone online. A mobile phone recycling service often just called a mobile phone recycler have websites you can use to register with, request a free post envelope and freely send off your old mobile phone to them for cash. Mobile phone recyclers pay cash for old mobile phones because of the reasons stated above. They contain all these precious metals that can safe them and the mobile phone manufacturers a lot of money.

UK Mobile Phone Recycler to sell your old mobile phones for cash

  • MazumaMobile - One of the most well known mobile phone recyclers. Cheque.
    Sell and recycle your mobile phone with MazumaMobile
  • Envirofone - Very well used mobile phone recycler. Paypal, Cheque.
    Envirofone to sell and recycle your mobile phone
  • SellOldPhone - Top paying mobile phone recycler. Pays most cash for mobiles. Bank, Cheque.
    SellOldMoble to get most money for your old mobile phone
  • MobileFoneXchange - Very popular mobile phone recycler. Good features. Cheque, Bank, Paypal.
    MobilephoneXchange to buy and recycle your mobile phone
  • Money4urMobile - Great recycler can also recycle inkjet cartridges and more with top prices paid for old mobile phones.
    Money4URMobile buy old mobiles iPods and inkjet cartridges
You can see more reviews and how to guides, reviews and comparisons for these and more of these mobile phone recycling sites on sites on the Sell Your Mobile site for in depth reviews on these sites and more useful information when recycling mobiles that will ensure you get the best deal and most money.


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