Mobile Phone Recycling Gets Popular

Recycling & Selling Mobile Phones Becomes Popular

Mobile phone recycling has been happening in the states for a bit longer than the UK but it has been growing from strength to strength as more and more people are recycling. Mobile phone recycling especially. This makes sense seeing as the use of mobile phones or cell phones began in the states more so before it took off in the UK being a smaller country.

Because the usage of mobile phones is growing faster all the time and we are always replacing mobiles with newer more advanced models every 12 to 18 months when most peoples contracts end and they want to upgrade their mobile to the latest version the mobile becomes obsolete and unwanted. Often left in a dusty drawer as they say. Never to be used again. As if it might. Some people keep backup mobiles because they are still valuable as well. But with most mobile phones coming with 24 hour replacement insurance nowadays more people are giving in their mobiles to be recycled.

There is estimated to be around 100 million mobile phones in circulation and that we are only recycling on average around 10% of these. Many millions of mobile phones are not being recycled properly and disposed of to end up in landfill sites where the materials inside these mobiles do not biodegrade and contain hazardous chemicals that can seep out into the earth and contaminate the environment and or water and food supplies.

So because of all this governmental schemes have been set up to handle the recycling of mobile phones. These mobile phone recycling schemes have been set up to give people a way to recycle their mobile phones. This helps many people all round the world. The seller because he/she can get some money back for their old mobile and a possible new buyer that is going to be able to purchase a used mobile at a cheaper price. Mobile phone manufacturers can also benefit by way of extracting the precious metals mobile phones contain such as Gold, Silver and Copper etc. And the whole world benefits because this means less mining for these metals and less energy consumption in the creating of new mobiles and other electrical types of gadgets. Sell your mobile for cash. Help you and the Environment at the same time.


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