Sell Old Mobile Phones by Recycling them for Cash

Sell Old Mobile Phones

Sell and recycle old mobile phones online for cash. You can easily sell an old mobile phone online. You can get cash for old mobiles in days by recycling an old mobile phone to a mobile phone recycling site. They will check the condition and value of the phone and then pay you the value for the phone that you agreed to on their site when you registered.

What to do if you are not happy with the value offered?
You may not realise this but mobile phone companies do not have to contact you to offer you a smaller value for your phone that it is worth. By law mobile phone recycling companies are not "obliged" to contact you to offer you less for your mobile phone. Their terms and conditions say nothing about that they have to do this. Most do it because they are genuine organisations and handle millions of mobile phones all the time anyway. But some will not contact you to offer you less for the phone and give you a choice of either accepting or refusing the value offered.

If they offer you less for your mobile phone than you was told on the site when you registered it is probably because your mobile wasn't in that good a condition as you said it was in. If they do offer you less for your mobile you should be glad that they are actually doing so and contacting you to confirm it. There have been stories where people have received their cheque alright but it was not for as much as was stated on the site at the time. Often not though this is because people were not honest about the condition on their phone or they simply couldn't admit their precious phone was in a bad condition. Or at the least, not in a really good condition.

While this can happen the major majority of people selling their mobile phones online for cash to a mobile phone recycling site get the money they were told they would get for their phone sent out to them like clockwork. Stay peeled to see a list of the mobile phone recycling companies that will always offer you a different amount for the phone if it isn't in that good a condition. And for the companies that are most likely to not contact you and just send you less for the phone.

To see a list and review of which mobile phone recycling companies are the best visit the Sell Your Mobile site. Get the most money for your mobile phone.


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