How To Compare Mobile Phone Recyclers

Mobile Phone Recycling

How to get the most money for your old mobile phone?

Comparing Mobile Phone Recycling sites to get the most money for your old mobile phone.

With the massive rise of mobile phone usage in a market that doesn't show signs of slowing down, Mobile Phones are a product that more and more people are using. And because of this more and more people are left with an old mobile because it has been replaced by a new one. So a situation arises where you are left with an old obsolete mobile and need to do something with it.

New legislation states that it is now illegal to throw old mobiles and other electronics aways. Electronics such as iPods and Games Consoles. You are not allowed to throw them and dispose of them in the trash. You have to recycle them using a mobile phone recycling initiative and there are many around so there's no excuses.

In case you didn't know already, there are now mobile phone recycling companies set up that will purchase from you your old or unused and unwanted mobile phones and other such electronics for cash. There are a number of good companies you can use. All of which have their own features and benefits and pay out in different ways for old mobile phones etc. Most will pay you by Cheque payment within days of getting and receiving your old mobile. Some have different payment methods such as Direct Bank Transfer or even Paypal which is quite convenient.

You can search around on Google for these companies, or you may already know of one through a TV advert or some other media presence. You can go directly to their site and search for your make and model of mobile phone. Get a price for it. Register online and then send in your old mobile. Days later you will get paid for it the price that was stated on their site. But did you get the best deal?

With there being a different amount of mobile phone recycling companies around now. All offering different payment methods and prices for mobile phones how can you be sure you are going to get the most money for your old mobile? Well you can use a Mobile Phone Price Comparison Tool like the one on the Sell Your Mobile site. And then see reviews and how to guides on that site before you decide to use it to sell your mobile phone so you can get the most money for it.

You should always recycle your old mobiles. And what better reason is there for it than you actually get paid at the same time? You can get paid to recycle finally by using a mobile phone recycling site. Not only will you be helping yourself but also other people and the Environment at the same time. Mobile phones contain hazardous and harmful materials that can have a damaging effect on the environment if they are not recycled or disposed of properly.

When you sell and recycle your old mobile phone to a mobile phone recycling site they will check its condition and it it works still will probably refurbish it and sell it on to other people such as those in third world countries where they can't afford new mobiles so they can phone home and speak to their loved ones. If a mobile is beyond repair it will be broken down via a recycling process and have its precious metals such as Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper and more extracted from the phone and used again in the making of newer electronics and mobiles. The harmful materials such as those used in making the batteries will be safely disposed of in a proper way.

So sell and recycle your mobile. Get Money For Your Mobile with MFYP. MFYP are offering top prices for old unwanted mobile phones and are giving other mobile phone recycling sites a run for their money in how they are offering higher prices for mobile phones.


nada 15 September 2009 at 03:31  

i knew some people out there doing the same to this business
and i think its a great idea to make money from mobile phone recycling
we just need to work harder to collect them
i should try this kind of business

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