Recycle Mobile Phones for Charity Cash

Recycle Mobiles for Charity

Can I help Charities by recycling old mobile phones?

Yes you can. If you have a charity you would like to raise money for you can set up a mobile phone recycling initiative with a mobile phone recycler to help them. You can have people donate their old mobile phones to you in many ways. Sell those phones to the recycler and proceeds go to selected charity.

There are millions of mobile phones that are lying around that need to be recycled. The actual statistics are quite shocking but everyone knows we replace our mobiles every 12 - 18 months. Millions of old mobiles are replaced with new models all the time. Mobile phones have a massive effect on the Earth Environment if they are not recycled properly. So there is a campaign on to recycle mobile phones and there are mobile phone recycling companies set up that you can do this with.

A mobile phone recycler is a large company, often with their own factories or processing plants to handle the recycling of mobile phones. They receive thousands of mobiles everyday from all over the place and those mobiles are graded on their condition. If they are in good condition they will be cleaned up, refurbished and sold. Otherwise if they broken they are recycled. The working parts often taken and fitted into making up working mobiles. Or completely recycled. The precious metals mobile phones contain such as Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead are extracted and smelted down saving much money and helping the Environment at the same time.

So the mobile phone recyclers are willing to pay for old mobiles and mobile phones and you can then donate that money to charity. Most mobile phone recyclers have their own mobile phone recycling initiatives you can sign up to and start your own mobile phone recycling campaign. You can get promotional material such as banners and posts and they will provide a "Drop Box" that you can place in your local charity shop for example for members of the public to literally drop their old mobile phones into.

If you want to set up a recycling initiative like this, you should contact your local charity shop and ask them if they are willing to do it with you first. I am sure they will as many already do. The charity shop can sell the mobiles to the recycler making money for whatever charity they support. You can contact a mobile phone recycler that has a mobile phone recycling initiative scheme that they run with organizations and general members of the public and they will send you all the equipment you need to set up in the shop. You can even do this for local groups, legions and clubs like social clubs etc.

Bernardo's already have their own mobile phone recycling initiative. Bernardo's mobile recycling. And you can also recycle old inkjet cartridges with them too including iPods, PDAs, inkjet cartridges or digital cameras.

And Oxfam run a recycling campaign and have teamed up with Fonebank to recycle old mobile phones. You can do this through a local charity shop and as a business if you are a business, company or organisation that uses mobile phones you can sell them to Fonebank in bulk for money. They have a fast 2 day cheque payment scheme. They run an initiative campaign with Corporate Mobile Recycling Ltd. It's aimed at schools, charities and organisations who wish to recycle phones to raise funds. You can contact Corporate Mobile Recycling Ltd directly on their site to see how their recycling site, where you can choose whether you would like to raise money for a school or charity, were Featured on the ITN Lunchtime News and how £200,000 has been raised for Oxfam over the past year alone just through recycling mobile phones. So you can see why and how this can help all round just from recycling mobiles!

Corporate Mobile Recycling have many years experience in mobile reuse and recycling and have developed a number of innovative environmental schemes to encourage companies and individuals to get involved with mobile phone recycling.

Envirofone the mobile phone recycling giant bring recycling to the community with a difference. Over on their site they have a place to "hang out and read up on some interesting facts as well as the odd bargain. With "Really cool envirofacts, blogs, reviews, green special offers and advice."

Envirofone have a recycling for business campaign so you can recycle mobile phones to them in bulk and get a free courier service. They normally look for Website owners / operators. Companies with large customer bases. Email marketing companies & Retail organisations. If you can set up some kind of local club to collect and recycle mobile phones you can sign up to Envirofone as an affiliate and they will provide you with Online promotional material such as banners and logos etc to promote it online or through editorial coverage or by email and newsletters etc. Sign up to Envirofone to sell old mobile phones and make money for charity.

Note in order to provide for others you need to provide for yourself as well. Depending on how many mobile phones you recycle you could make quite a bit of money from it. You may decide to do it for yourself and donate part of the money to charity or vice versa which is fair enough. But if you do find you start doing this and handling large amounts of money you should seek some kind of financial business assistance if you have never done anything like this before.

If you are in US states and are interested in recycling mobile phones for charity there are also similar schemes running. See Recycling for Charities. Even though it's been happening much longer in the US as opposed to the UK. There is market for it all over the world.


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